Security, software development and devops in a cloud world


Google OAuth 2.0 – Testing with Curl – Refresh Access Token

In my earlier article on how to test Google OAuth 2.0 flows from the command line I showed how to generate Google OAuth 2.0 Access Token, Refresh Token, and ID Token. In this article, I will show how to refresh… Continue Reading →

Google OAuth 2.0 – Testing with Curl – Version 2

If you have ever wanted to test Google OAuth 2.0 flows from the command line, you will like this short article. This article is the second version. I wrote a previous article on using curl, but that version did not… Continue Reading →

Google OAuth 2.0 – Testing with Curl

Introduction If you have ever wanted to test Google OAuth 2.0 flows from the command-line, you will like this short article. [Update: I thought about the problem below with the copy and paste requirement. I created a simple python web… Continue Reading →

Google Cloud – Where are my credentials stored

Google Cloud stores your credentials in a database on your system. These credentials can then be used over and over. Google’s choice of a database means that the CLI and SDK tools can manage a huge number of credentials efficiently…. Continue Reading →

CURL SSL Certificate Problem

Part 1 – The CURL command-line program If curl is not set up correctly for SSL (HTTPS) data transfers an error is displayed. The error message starts like this: curl: (60) SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate… Continue Reading →

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